Monorail Projects
If you are a city transport planner or budget decision maker
for public transport schemes, particlarly in London, UK or
Europe, or want computerised ancillary services developed, try
enquiry points here
The century old Wuppertal Schwebebahn
A monorail over 100 year old; yet still in daily service, part
of a city's normal public transport system - so monorails
aren't something conceptually new to be worried about, (but as
you'd expect, a century's improvements in materials &
design allow newer mono rail designs to offer cities
considerable extra benefits since.
A large version of this picture in .jpg format (1600 x 1200
pixels, 800 Kbyte
Flying Elephant
Of Wuppertal 21. Juli 1950 Schwebebahnstation Alter Markt
in Wuppertal-Barmen. 10 metre drop into 50cm of water + soft
mud. The young elephant performed in circus same evening. Wikipedia
Other Monorails
The Beam laying train has 2 long reach arms at the front and
2 at the back. It appeared to straddle both rails of the twin
rail track. But it appeared to need a lot of logistic support
vehicles and cranes on the ground still.
2 Pictures of pictures of a monorail track in Sydney, Oz
(metal rail, not suspension type).
Yes - 2 glossy pictures given me in a beergarden, taken home
& photographed a 2nd time 'cos my scanner isnt configured
yet, maybve later). Originals courtesy of Owen G. Click for a 4
times greater size. 