Global Population Bloat
The Root Problem Of All
Global over population is the cause of most of the Earth's
current & future woes!
If you already realised that, Here's Further Reading
If you did not yet realise that, Consider:
Global Warming
- It's NOT just some problem to be solved by nations
bickering about how much CO2 pollution they each produce.
It wont' be solved just by carbon credits (which may have
some use, but may also be rather like fiddling while Rome
burns). Not only should we be reducing pollution by being
more efficient with industry & transport, we should
also address the root cause: too many people on the
- Feeding too many people strains the planet's land, water & air.
- Desertification can occur from land over use
(think USA dust bowl in 30s & Russian cotton
production around Aral sea). Some wars have started
over mineral etc assets. There's a growing shortage
of minerals such as phosphates for growing crops for
food, or crops to make ethanol for fuel)
- Phosphates, the flip side: too much algae bloom
in rivers come from too much phosphate run off.
- China's into Africa too now, not just the West
that exploits Africa, & China won't be the last.
China's control of rare earths worries those
observing the boom in manufacture of smart phones
& PCs etc.
- Noticed the jostling for polar mining rights ?.
Too many consumers back home.
- The disputes about shale oil & gas in the
antarctic: Too many people.
- Fracking in S.E. England: Too many people, too
much energy needed.
- China's now trying to call the China See its own
& exclude it neighbours, to secure resources.
Risk of Next mini war
- Diamonds & Gold: If population wasn't
booming, we wouldn't need so many new diamonds &
gold, gold produced by washed out soil, separated by
Mercury, poisoning rivers. Less population growth=
less pollution.
- The Middle East: so many tension there
exacerbated by Western addiction to scarce fuel oil
(among other causes).
- Political strains: Russia found it easier to
steal Ukrainian Crimea in 2014 because Europe,
especially Germany, was addicted to Russian gas.
- Fuels such as (black) coal are running out, or
being burned too fast producing too much pollution,
again, not just 'cos we might be using wrong fuels,
but cos we have too many human consumers. (OK, better
insulation might reduce that)
- Atomic power: Still No country on earth has
designated an end dump for their radioactive waste.
If we had less population we would produce less
Fresh Water
- Water shortage: eg Aral see half gone, Dead sea
in Israel is shrinking. Water wars have long been
predicted. A question of when not if, if population
keep growing.
- Water pollution: In the West, the female
contraceptive pill, via urine, even after cleaning,
finds itself in rivers & back in fresh water
supply, & some of the chemicals end up causing
some males some breast growth apparently.
- The annual water shortage & hose pipe ban in
S.E. England that we virtually had when I was a kid:
Too many people!
- The increased ferocity hurricanes in USA: Global
warming from too many people consuming too much
energy: (USA bites its own tail there!)
Sea Fishing
- Over fishing - leading to some fishermen in West
Africa turning to piracy.
- Commercial fish farms in Scotland: Pollution
complaints that wouldn't occur from wild salmon
fishing, but that wouldn't produce enough fish.
- The British - Icelandic cod war (which Britain
was too embarrassed as a major power to actually win,
so Britain lost against tiny Iceland!) - That too was
over population of humans depleting resources,
triggering a dispute.
- River floods in the great rivers of central
Europe occurred because of increasingly erratic
weather most blame on global warming (thus from
global population) + removal of flood plains by river
dikes moved nearer the river to obtain more land for
local growing populations.
- Bangladesh: Regular floods: too many people &
rising seas, from global warming from too many people
- UK, SE England: Those who built the flooded
housing estates on known flood plains in South East
England did it because growing population had
consumed land elsewhere.
- Logging in Brazil, depleting the Amazon rain
forest, a major source of oxygen (we all like
Breathing oxygen

- Heavy pollution in Beijing, & much of Asia:
China & Asian countries polluting & burning
- Fuel such as brown coal / lignite stinks in the
air & scars the land. Look in Germany.
- Smog in London or LA, USA : too many people
- The alternate car registration number plates (odd
& even days) they had in Greece 20 or more years
back ? Too many people !
- The grey pollution cloud I've seen over Munich
from a mountain in the Alps: Too many people - Munich
is till growing. So is London. So are many
- If you'd heard global warming was all down to
methane from the back end of cows, ask who eats the
cheese & beef ? Why do we have so many cows
- Animal growth hormones. To support dense
populations, I'm told anti biotics are routinely fed
to livestock as a preventative, That meat gets eaten
by the humans. I think it shows in Bavaria where the
diet is too pig heavy.
- Excess ticks (that can carry Lime's disease) in
Bavaria, cos apparently they over winter on deer,
& 3 times as many wild deer as there should be,
cos fed by hunters in winter, when the weaker should
die off. Again, if less human population, & less
hunters feeding the deer it would be somewhat safer
to walk in country with less ticks.
- Bird Flue: Remember that panic ? Obviously
because of low chinese standards, mixing animals
& humans too close, but why ? too many people !
not enough land.
- Disease Control: Doctors seem to be increasingly
worried about obscure deadly diseases that could go
global increasingly fast, cos there's both more of
us, & a higher percentage of us fly far &
wide, & so many more of our goods are air
freighted too.
Some of those diseases are believed to stem from
increasing human population pushing us further into
jungles to consume "bush meat" etc.
Presumably the best for disease control is less
population + the global internet of minds brought
fast to analysis, with less goods & people
transiting by air, & more goods freighted by ship
& train giving medics scientists &
governments more time to detect & analyse &
inspect / cordon / control.
Other Resources
- Every kid is a mouth to feed, that will later
want all it can get, eg lots of water for flush
toilets, food (which if meat is far more inefficient
to produce than vegetarian, clothes (look how much
water cotton needs (see Aral see above) a bike, a
fridge, a car, plane tickets, heating, air
conditioning, distant commuting needing more fuel,
fresh fruit & flowers & lobsters air
freighted, etc.
- Unlimited plastic bags to carry our shopping home
in - once, before discarding! (Personally I reuse
those bags, 'cos they're made from Oil, & one day
my car will need the last of that oil ;-) Or maybe
I'll need th Oil to make plastic computer keyboards
Or to make the netting to bail the hay to feed the
cows in winter to make cheese ? Seems a bad idea to
burn oil !
- When we die they put us in a nice coffin, better
quality furniture perhaps than many of us had while
alive - & then they cremate it days later in a
gas fired oven ? So they don't need that wood as
fuel! I'd rather be tossed in a cardboard box, money
or wood saved & everyone who attends the funeral
gets to draw a raffle ticket to win some nice wooden
furniture, or a gift token to a wooden furniture
shop. Don't deforest the planet pointlessly.
Next time you hear of a problem, consider if the
root cause isn't really excess global population.
People Must Stop Breeding So Much!
- Sure [practising ;-)] breeding more population is
natural & popular

- Aim for 1.9 kids per couple & we'll gradually
save the planet. 2.1 will stabilise, & 2.2+ will kill
the planet eventually.
- Those People Who Push For More Population Make
Themselves Enemies Of The Earth.
- They need to be embarrassed, shamed or forced
financially &/or politically etc to stop damaging the
earth & its existing population.
Who Are They Who Selfishly Seek To Bloat The Planet
- The Catholic Church: Against contraception! Their
sinfully selfish policy of breeding maximal church
worshippers = church income payers (eg babies born in
Germany get religion registered, & later Germany
deducts extra church tax on income & pays it to
churches automatically ! not even voluntary payment
as in UK). The Catholic church is sick, damaging the
earth, so should be denied all state benefits, &
all charity benefits. Spend the money saved on wasted
tax breaks to Catholic church, instead to promote
public contraception in own country & other poor
- + Individuals in the West who want lots of
babies, whether for religious conviction, personal
pleasure, or deep seated biological urge, are selfish
polluters; more people should have the courage to
tell them they are selfish polluters.
(OK in some countries lots of kids die young, so
more replacements are needed, but not in the West).
Parents in the West who breed 4 offspring should be
made to feel ashamed of themselves ! It's not their
private choice, even if they can afford it. The
planet is over populated & they are Greedy
- + Some industrialists want growth (of industry,
& thus consumers & workers etc) at any price
(to the earth), (& no price to them), cos' they
don't care about finite resource consumption, (except
that it will put up raw material prices, so they
& competitors will raise prices & profits pro
- + Shareholder investors of some of those
industrialists need to Think.
+ Politicians: Some are stupid, chasing growth
without thinking. Selfish short term or myopic:
Wanting bigger towns, more & grandiose
facilities, paid for by more taxes.
Historically some have deliberately bloated their
- Germany wanted more babies bred to base
Hitler's future Reich on. Germany has done
various invasions to get more Lebens-raum - for
more population.
- The sides in the Northern Ireland decades
back were worrying that one side was outbreeding
the other. Some politicians suggested their side
should maybe breed more to keep up.
- Same worry with the Arabs & Jews in
Israel/Palestine, one side is claimed to be
breeding faster.
- No need to invade neighbouring states &/or
land grab from other ethnic groups assets if your
population is Not breeding like rabbits. Stress &
friction increase when populations are expanding to
increase competition for resources.
- Some leaders in business &/or politics don't
care 'cos they & their offspring will be at the
top of the financial heap, no shortage of resources
for them, & the more growth they cause, the
richer & more powerful they'll be, but the poorer
the planet will be.
- Politicians behave like idiots, not taking a
lead, but pandering to votes, typically giving no tax
break or hand out for first child, & more for 2nd
etc. To save the planet we should give Less money
(tax breaks, subsidy etc) per subsequent kid[s],
& move some of that money from 2nd & 3rd etc
kid to 1st kid, to discourage those humans who breed
like rabbits.
- Politicians should face reality & seek
solutions to the biggest problem of the world: over
population. Maybe they should consider novel
solutions like mandating that all alcohol vendors
must also offer contraceptives for sale. (As one
often leads to the other). Maybe they should be
subsidising condom & other contraceptive sale
&/or give away. In many countries many things are
subsidised, why not contraceptives too ?!
- Pensions administrators know: Their whole schemes are
based on more young joining to pay the few older, that
only works with continuous growth. As growth slows, &
as people die slower, & some retire earlier, the
pyramid inverts & becomes untenable. We can't have
growth forever, but that rate of slowing & reversal
is going to have to be managed very carefully else it may
trigger a financial disaster.
- If something is missing or factually wrong, or you
want to debate it, tell me when we meet, I don't want
to debate it by email, as I spend too much time at the