& Aachen
Surplus Hardware (& other stuff) For Sale, Free &
Nearly All From & To Aachen,
(Meist ab & zu Aachen)
Mostly my stuff, some stuff belongs to Munich area
- I & others have surplus equipment, some to sell,
& some to give away &/or swap with some friends .
I also want to buy some other equipment.
- I do not buy or sell stuff for a living, ( I am a Consultant for
a Computer Company
This page is just a convenience to list & maybe
shift stuff I don't need.
None of it has ever been offered on
HP Network
ScanJet 5 & 6 aka HP 9100C If you've got one for
sale, or know of an office (ideally in Aachen or Munich)
with one lying around unused, probably shoved in an
office corner (as HP originals boot off NT networks that
businesses are migrated away from)
Money & Trust ?!
Thieves & forgers (of goods & money) & loonies
etc all lurk on the net. I know people who've been ripped
off. Any thinking of trying scams on me will just waste
time: I'm Very Distrustful/ Paranoid ! Techniques: Face to
face; cash; no over invoicing; waiting till cheques are
cleared and can't be revoked; proving equipment works.
I saw this on 2005.11:
- Bitte stellen Sie ihre Fragen vor Abgabe eines Gebotes.
Bei meinen Auktionen handelt es sich ausnahmslos um
Privatverkäufe. Das neue EU-Recht sieht eine
einjährige Gewährleistung bei Gebrauchtwaren vor,
die jedoch bei Privatverkäufen ausgeschlossen werden
kann. Was ich hiermit ausdrücklich mache. Mit der
Abgabe Ihres Gebotes erklären Sie sich damit
einverstanden, auf eine Gewährleistung zu
- So in English: My stuff is private, not business sale.
I Exclude a guarantee. However if I know or suspect
something is Not working or not OK, I'll certainly tell
Surplus Computer
- Vintage Computer T Shirts
I have 10+ most virtually never worn as many smaller than I
ISDN Router
(Source @ 2010-08: Gary: Grafing,
near Munich Germany. )
Eumex 704PC LAN
ISDN Telefonanlage (PBX) & T-DSL mit IP Router
& PC Netzwerk
Brother M1509 Matrix Wide printer.
- Takes extremely wide paper as well as A4.
- Very low profile, Much slimmer than modern printers,
just 3" high at front, 4" high at back
- Not high & heavy like the old monsters
- With 2 Manuals English & German.
- With tractor & pinch wheel feeds. Works with or
without tractor hole edged paper.
- About 6 spare sealed ribbons.
Portable batteries driven ink jet printer - Kodak
Diconix 150 Plus.

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Serial Interface 25 pin (I've perhaps got a 25/9
Accessories Included
- Transformer American 120 V, 60 Hz, 14 W,,Output: 9V
DC 1A, Negative centre pin. Would work with a European
transformer too. I might have one or could advise.
- Ink cartridges. 4 unopened Diconix .
- No Software to drive it. Not bothered to try
under Unix, (ghostscript would be a good place to start
Micro$oft XP drives pretty much anything these days,
so addict users of that viral monopoly boast. Yours to
try, I don't have time.
- Batteries. NiCad rechargeable Takes [3 or 4
batteries, up to 5 batteries spare
(NiCad). Subject to need/negotiation. (NiCads have non
infinite shelf life, I can test before sale).
Laptop Carry Cases

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Laptop computer Toshiba T1100+
LCD screen, Blue font, Green background, not back-lit, 2
* 720K floppy drives, 7MHz 8086 Zustand/Condition:
Gut/Good, plastic chassis somewhat faded. Dokumentation:
Perfect Zustand inc. Orig Boot Flop MSDOS-3.2 USA
Keyboard, Original USA 110V power supply + my own self
built 220/240V supply. Shoulder bag available. A
collectors piece. Probably purchased new by me about
1986/7 Original Price advertised on page 363 of
Byte was US $ 1,750 (though that's just of historic
interest  I used to occasionally run this with
DOS (3 recall) to connect to my PC532 & Symmetric
375 using Kermit. It also used to run Minix, though I
don't have that any more, (for Minix I extended the
driver from 360K to 720K, Yup multi processing OS on
floppy ! ie a vi edit + background make of C).

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Various PCMCIA cards
- Some of the cards in the picture above I might still
need, most not.
- Additionally I now also have other cards not
pictured, but listed below, for which I have No
transducer/dongle for. For those, I'm both interested in
selling cards AND trading my surplus cards for your
surplus transducer/dongle, (ie if you have eg burnt out
cards, but good transducer/dongle, Do contact me
- 2 x 16 bit card: 3 Com Megaherz 10Mbps. Tested
Working, using a 3 Com transducer/dongle from another
- 2 x 16 bit card: 3 Com EtherLink III 10Mbps. Tested
Working, using a 3 Com transducer/dongle from another
- 1 x 16 bit card: Compaq 10/100 Probes OK with FreeBSD
as device"xe" (**), Don't know if really working as I
only have one never tested 3 Com 10/100 transducer/dongle
that I suspect is bad.
- 3 x 16 bit card: Xircom Credit Card Ethernet
10/100-Ready. FreeBSD recognises these as device type
"xe" (**). All tested OK with rlogin etc, using
transducer/dongle I bought for Norbert.
- (**) FreeBSD-6.0 `man xe` extract: 100BaseTX:
Full-duplex operation is currently not supported.
- 1 x 32 bit card:Intel EtherExpress PRO/100 Mobile
Adapter CardBus, Probes OK with FreeBSD as device"dc"
(++) Don't know if really working as I only have one
never tested 3 Com 10/100 transducer/dongle that I
suspect is bad.
- 2 x 32 bit card: Xircom CardBus Ethernet II 10/100.
Probes OK with FreeBSD as device"dc" (++) but I have no
transducer/dongle to test with. Needs a physically
different shape ethernet connector (compared with 3 Com
& to the external
- (++) FreeBSD-6.0 `man 4 dc` extract: full-duplex
Force full duplex operation. The interface will operate
in half duplex mode if this media option is not
- 2 x 16 bit card: MP3510
Combi card 56,000 bit/sec + 10baseT GSM compatible.
FreeBSD doesn't recognise these, & they crash
FreeBSD. Needs a physically different shape ethernet
connector (compared with 3 Com & Xircom 32 bit) to
the external transducer/dongle. 2 pictures I've seen on
web show different transducer/dongles, one with coax
& no apparent space on it for a UTP as well, &
2nd UTP, no room for coax..
Libretto 70 CT Original Floppy set for MS-Windows
- NOT the Libretto itself, which is NOT for sale. Just
the floppy set available. I
installed FreeBSD instead as I do NOT like Micro$oft.
Lots of people sell Librettos, doubtless some lose the
install floppy set, & or get infested with Micro$oft
Viruses. This is your chance to get a new floppy set to
recover from (though I consider Micro$oft a pain, &
recommend you try FreeBSD instead
( 32,517 @ 2020-08-24 free
programs - Free !). I can also install &
configure FreeBSD on Librettos - or other computers - for
a commercial consultancy fee.
"PS Re Software marked: For Distribution Only with a
new PC" & Software You purchase somewhere, can't read
the license, then have to click "Yes I agree ..." before it
will work.
Far as I recall from my UK University days & from my
reading of various odd "law books for amateurs" &
industry magazines etc, this is, to use an American
phrase apposite to American law: "Bullshit", it's just
American corporations trying yet again to impose their
law over ours. American residents might be restricted to
not resell software, we Europeans are Not, ('except
Micro$oft might cut off your supply if you'r a dealer -
but they risk being
fined yet again by the European Union , for monopoly
infringement, each time they get too pushy ;-).
English law anyway. Precedent I would refer to is:
when NCP lost the appeals court decision decades back:
Some driver had a brick fall on his car. Lower court
ruled" "Tough, NCP have a sign saying tough, so tough".
Overturned on Appeal. Judge ruled any extra clauses not
available to reader until after car park fee paid, were
invalid. So NCP changed their car parks so all their "Not
our fault if .." clauses are now readable from car before
paying money. After the court ruling, Canterbury NCP car
park acquired an escape lane after notice & before
payment, built shortly after that appeal court loss, so
one could decline to accept (if one blocked the queue
long enough to read all the guff).
German law: Someone told me in 2009, as far as she
knew, in Germany one had maybe 10 mins to leave the car
park if one did not accept terms only visible after
entry. (With poor customer rights in Germany, & often
hostile bavarian language in Munich, don't rely on that,
get corroboration, which confirmation
or refutation) I would welcome.
Many excremental American legal clauses with which
software is sold internationally (even bundled hardware
eg laptops) seem some cocktail mix of American legalese/
bullshit, immoral, illegal in EU or UK, & or
un-enforceable. Don't believe such exretia, until you ask
a lawyer in whichever of 170+ sovereign independent
countries of purchase, if actually legally binding.
ZIP 250M Media, also a Drive
Up to 12. (Historic interest: Shop price UK was once 15
pounds, shop price Munich was 15 euro @ April 2003)
2 * LS120 Drives + 9 Media Discs, a few still virgin
Pic. shows 1 drive loose, but I have a second unused in a
Tape Streamer 1 Gig QIC SCSI
50 pin SCSI (SCSI-1 physical connector style, ie 50 PIN
DIP 1/10" spacing, SCSI-2 electrical style I assume).
Manufacturer Probably TEAC + (any tapes Gary ?)
(Source: Gary: Grafing,
near Munich Germany. ) 5.25" Single slot height.
All the Fax Modems Are Currently (Feb. 2014) not
available, may be needed for a project.
Supra Fax V32 9600 & V32bis 14,400,
External, small, light. (V32bis Purchased From USA, V32
9600 I'm not sure of). Aluminium Chassis
Supra Express 366 V+ Black plastic chassis.
Power block but No manual.
Modem: Discovery Datatronics 9632am
(Purchased in Germany). It weighs 1.6 Kg including
modem, 9V 1.5A transformer & booklet. No original
box, I'd have to find/ make one to post in which would weigh a bit. Assume
< 2Kg inc packing when you look it up on http:
Modem Escom. Stands vertically
Bookshelf style (shown horizontal to save space on this
page). Purchased in Germany, but never used. (I mention
that 'cos the Germans once had some law mandating their
modems be limited on auto redial capability, so that if
software blew, you wouldn't drive someone berserk,
ringing his phone non stop . I think the mod. was to
only allow a few dial attempts, then back off for a few
minutes. You still wouldn't get much sleep though if
someone else's modem software went wrong. A near
pointless law, unless it was NOT motivated to protect
the consumers, but either to protect the phone network
from dialling overload by too frequent dialling, or to
trade obstruction/ `protection' to protect the sales
market of German modem manufacturers against cheaper
international modems, (American modems were a Lot
cheaper, & though early American & European
modems worked to different standards, in later years
when we got up to 9600 bit/sec & beyond, things had
Modem: US Robotics Sportster VI
Purchased in UK. (Thus no German dial restrictions).
Zip Drive Blue plastic chassis.
Power block but No manual.
Logic State Analyzer
Manufacturer: Hewlett Packard Model: 1602A Portable,
Repetition Rate 10 MHz Max Input Load one low power
Schottky (<400uA source), Input threshold TTL 1.5V, 16
bit, 64 word. Original User Manual in good condition.
Emulex SCSI Bus to 2 * ST506 Adapter card
Was 2 cards, identical I think. I recall I gave one away
to a NetBSD or FreeBSD chap.
Parts From A Toshiba T4600C Laptop
(486/33 MHz 4Mb) (laptop scrapped due to bad battery
recharge circuit failure inside laptop). May / probably
be useful for other Toshiba's.

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Cells from Battery pack.
I took the lid off the battery & checked all cell
voltages & they were all fine, so felt sure it
was my charge regulator in the laptop that had gone,
& was feeding a false level to the
microprocessor, so the laptop simply wasn't turning
on it's charge circuity. Externally charged, I
recall, the battery was just fine, so I strongly felt
the problem lay within the laptop, but I already had
2 newer laptops, & it's a swine to disassemble
the 4600C in enough bits to get & unfold all the
circuit cards (stacked in a heap at back of laptop,
& try to figure which analogue regulator
component was faulty. I just couldn't be bothered to
reassemble that laptop, dumped it & just kept the

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(English, not American or German). Re-found 2006.11.

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Floppy drive.
No Manual, no screen, no boot discs
Power Supplies
6 to 8, open frame, 220 input, 5 + 12V output, can &
have driven big 5.25" discs with heavy start up surge)
Power Supplies
6 or so 220 to 5+12V 1A enclosed (not for 5.25 full
height drives needing 4A start current ! )
More Power Supplies.
Games Joy sticks
Pre PC era , don't know what PC's use, but these are just
linear pots far as I recall. Electronics people won't be
scared, PC people might & should.

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2 ISDN cards
"Teles S0-Karte Revision 1.2 Copyright 1992 by TELES" 8
bit ISA slot 9 pin D shape female connector You have to
make up your own simple converter cable, pin
out (don't worry it IS isdn despite plug shape &
file name) Postage detail (so
others preferably, not me, can work out postage :-) raw card size unpacked: 15 cm
x 13 cm x 2cm ~ 100 grams naked (without even an anti
static bag weighed in)

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Camera Pentax ZOOM-70
AF Zoom Macro, f=35mm-f=70mm Tele Macro. + spare long
life battery (ies & spare cells), + takes normal
batteries. + Blue carry case + Manual.

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Camera Ricoh Singlex TLS
SLR= Single Lens Reflex
Speeds: (/sec) 1000, 500, 250, 125, 60, 30, 15, 8, 4, 2,
1, B.
Aperture: 1.4, 2, 2.8, 4, 5.6, 8, 11, 16.
Lens:Auto Rikenon 1:1.4 f=55mm27593 Lens Made In Japan.
Screw not bayonet fitting.
Camera & Lens have Automatic stop down. Lens Has a
supplemental manual rotate stop down. Inc. a "Rollei"
Uses no battery.

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Camera Zenit-E
SLR= Single Lens Reflex
Speeds 500, 250, 15, 60, 30-X, B. Rotary lever marked X
& MF. Integral flash shoe (cold). Socket on front for
flash. Mechanical auto timer. Inc original case (damaged
case but repaired). No damage to camera.
Lens: 3.5/50. Industar-50-2. Screw not bayonet
Neither camera nor lens have Automatic stop down.
Aperture 3.5, 5.6, 8, 11, 16. Inbuilt light meter.
Uses no battery.

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Camera Wide angle Lens
f=35mm 1:3.5 Prinzgalaxy
Aperture: 3.5, 4, 5.6, 8, 11, 16. Lens does not have
Automatic stop down. Fits both the above Zenit-E & Ricoh Singlex

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Camera Light Meter
"Leningrad 4"
Speeds: 1/1000, 1/500, 1/250, 1/125, 1/60, 1/30, 1/15,
1/8, 1/4, 1/2, 1, 2, 4, 8, 15 secs.
Aperture: 1.4, 2, 2.8, 4, 5.6, 8, 11, 16, 22
Film Sensitivity: 3-800 ASA = 6-30 DIN
Uses no battery.

Car Twin Carburetter Balancing Kit

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[Car] / Picnic Cool Box
Passive one, Cheaper & considerably lighter than
ones using 12 Volt. Useful shopping, & sorting

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for car tyres. ie 2 pairs. High quality with Spur- Kreuz-
Lauf- Net = Square Inserts for Ice. Manufacturer Rud.
Item Code 97 917 Other number 45 117 2 packs of 2 in
plastic box Original price was DM 320/pair < ADAC
Sendlinger Tor Dec 1985. Still in good condition, rarely
used. Obviously I'd accept Much less though. Annoyingly,
these chains are much better than new chains one can buy
now, like I have on my new car: I couldn't find any to
buy with square ice grippers for my new car !
(One chain has a link snapped on the tightening
chain of one chain of one pair. Either needs welding,
else convince me to sell you 1 set & maybe throw the
other set in free, so you have a spare chain)
Used on my old car's Tyres"175 / 70 R 13". also quoted
quoted by RUD as good for
My C program & manual to calculate chains for

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Car Hammer Screwdriver (for loosening
Car Wheel Nuts etc)
Not just for cars of course !
Manufacturer: Einhell
Model: CC-HS 12
Manufacturers page for Model CC-HS 12/1: New
price @ 2021-05 50EU 12 V car hammer screwdriver
12 V cable for connecting to a vehicle's cigarette
lighter socket
Set of four drive socket inserts size 17, 19, 21 and 23
Adapter cable for connecting directly to a vehicle's 12
V battery
Plastic case
RRP in Germany: #49.95 @ 2017-11
Used once. Works perfectly, has crocodile clips &
cigarette lighter plug.
Caution for Subaru owner & other electric compressed
air suspension cars:
Do Not use cig lighter socket via ignition key on a
jacked up car with alectric air suspension (such as on
many Subaru), when a wheel is off, cos the car will
push down the loose axle & cause damage. Only use
the crocodile clips direct to battery.

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- It blows trip fuse if earth wire is connected, so I
used it un-earthed to repair TVs etc. Works fine.
Remote Controller, Silva Schneider SMP 330
Remote Controller, Philips, takes 2 AA batteries, Grey,
Inside of battery lid:
3139 238 10891
Made In China
HK01 02549 A 000532 LF
10.95-11.7 GHz; Out 950-1700; local 10GHz; Gain 53dB;
Noise 1.6/ 1.8; Polarisation electrical; Out 75 Ohm F
type connector;
LNB Pace ToReview-2017-12-31
- Enhanced LO 9.75 GHz EAP Series H/V 14/18 V
ED1009011760 Made in United Kingdom
LNB Micro Electronics Technology Inc. AP8-T2 ToReview-2017-12-31
Amstrad SRD400 ToReview-2017-12-31
Pioneer Digital Terrestial Receiver DBR-TF100GB ToReview-2017-12-31
Philips Digital TV Tuner, DSR1000/00M, ToReview-2017-12-31
- 230V, 2 audio, 2 scart, serial, 2 screwed sat.
Nokia Sat 1600 Videocrypt IRD PANDA - TV Satellite
Tuner ToReview-2017-12-31
Part Code 627-1900110
IO: 230V in, 3 scart, 2 RF, 2 Sat screwed, 2 audio
Pace TV Sky Digibox ToReview-2017-12-31
BSKYB 2500S3
With Remote controller
Has got the phone plug with white UK power etc. Part
Code 540-2308510, 2 scart, 3 RF, phone, rs232, 2 phono, 1
screwed sat. 230V
"The units are DVB-S compatible, and usually carry the
DVB logo on the front. However, their use as a DVB-S
receiver for anything other than Sky services is
seriously limited by their reduced choice of symbol rates
(22,000 and 27,500; additionally 28,250 and 29,000 on
Sky+ HD), and their inability to store more than 50
(fewer still on some models) non-EPG channels without
losing them. Following a software "upgrade" the digibox
will not display programmes from non 28.2 East Satellites
... The box also refuses to let users view channels which
are free-to-air but displaying flags claiming encryption,
which locks out some channels even on the satellites Sky
use themselves, such as Free to View channels."
Digital TV tuner, Philips, DTR210/05 ToReview-2017-12-31
Made in Hungary
Inc external power 12V DC, (positive centre pin)
With remote controller.
Chassis: Lightweight black plastic.
From: UK/JES, What's know in UK as a"Freeview Unit".
jl@ said 2011.01 this (if one adds an aerial) should
pick up over 20 channels in Munich (but not CNN)
IO: 2 scart, rf In & Out + Phone, + UK trafo.
"Features: Electronic Programme Guide, digital
ukfree . tv / documents / retune / Philips_DTR210_retune
. pdf
https :// www . manualslib . com / manual / 122375 /
Philips - Digital - Set - Top - Box - Dtr210 . html ?
page = 18 # manual Technical DataGeneral- DVB
terrestrial Free-To-Air receiver compliant to EN 300 744-
MHEG5 and LCN support- UHF frequency range support- Video
and Audio out via 2x SCART- Digital audio out- Fast
channel search- Reed-Solomon decoding support (EN 300
744)- Automatic FEC selection (1/2, 2/3, 3/4, 5/6, 7/8)-
MPEG2 Transport Stream support: ISO/IEC 13818-1-
DVB-Video/-Audio support: ISO/IEC 13818-2, -3-
Update-Over-Air accordingly to BBC-SSU procedure- slim
line housing Base specification- QPSK / QAM16/64
demodulation compliant to DVB terrestrial standard EN 300
744- COFDM 2k and 8k- UHF support (474...862 MHz)- 8 MHz
channel bandwidth- Guard Interval Modes: 1/32, 1/16, 1/8,
1/4 active symbol duration- Fast PLL tuning speed:step
size 62,5 kHz / 166,67 kHz Input /Output2x SCART (VCR
& TV) out TV SCART video out: CVBS, Y/C, RGB- VCR
SCART video out: CVBS, Y/C- switching signal: 0 / 6 /
12V- Audio out (left/right)Digital audio out (S/PDIF)RF
input connector IEC60169-2 female- termination 75 Ohm-
Return Loss: min. 6 dB (75 Ohm)Loop-Through of RF
signals- output termination 75 Ohm
This being be investigated to see if it might install
with BSD
- Sky+ HD; BSkyB
Part Code 14068; Amstrad DRX780UK-C
- Year of first issue 2007 (
- Had a viewing card. I jhs@ have lost it I
- (Used with WP J530U
- Contains a 500G SATA drive.
How To Open Box
http :// storage . sky . com / prod /
helpcentre / manuals / skyboxes / Sky -
plus - HD - R8 - userguide - v2 . pdf
Spec page 124:
DRX780 Specifications
Operating voltage: 230V AC; 50Hz
Power consumption: 45W (max.) / LNB switching +13/+18VDC 275mA MAX/22kHz
Weight: 5kg (packed)
Dimensions: 399mm x 295mm x 81mm (inc. rubber feet and connectors)
Operating temp. range: +5°C to +45°C
Storage temp. range: -20°C to +60°C
Hard disk capacity: 320GB (160GB personal storage space)
300GB (160GB personal storage space)
MAINS INPUT: IEC 60320 2-pin
DISH INPUT 1: female F-type 75 (950-2150 MHz)
DISH INPUT 2: female F-type 75 (950-2150 MHz)
RS-232: DB-9 female, data communications equipment
(DCE) / EIA/TIA-232-E ITU-TV.28 115.2 kbit/s (max.)
AERIAL IN: IEC 60169-2 female
RF OUT-1: IEC 60169-2 male
RF OUT-2: IEC 60169-2 male
DIGITAL AUDIO OUT: OPTICAL & COAXIAL digital-audio sockets for 5.1 surround sound
AUDIO OUT (L and R): Phono sockets (RCA)
USB 2.0: Rear connector
VCR/DVD SCART: SCART (composite video in/out; RGB in/out)
TV SCART: SCART (composite video out; RGB out)
1.1 type A
ETHERNET: RJ45, IEEE802.3 10-BASE-T and 100BASE-TX
S-VIDEO OUT: 4-way mini-DIN
Re Non Sky Channels: Page 94:
Some channels can be received by your
Sky±HD box but don't appear in Sky
Guide listings. Your Sky±HD box is
designed to receive digital television
signals transmitted at 28.2 or 28.5
degrees east, either unencrypted or
encrypted using BSkyB's encryption
system. It may be possible to receive
other digital satellite signals but it's
not guaranteed. You can add new channels
to a separate list called Other Channels,
as follows:
Press ... Deleted ...
Your Sky±HD box can't record
channels that aren't in the Sky Guide
listings. You might not be able to see
schedule information for these channels.
My jhs@ speculation/ hope: They might
have fixed last bit by BIOS upgrade,
&/or correcting manual to specify one
just cant record from program guide, but
might be able to specify channel &
www . skyuser . co . uk / forum / sky - hd -
supertelly / 30395 - amstrad - hd - box -
walkthrough - how - change - hard - drive .
Independent forum site - Changing a disc.
- www .
ph - mb . com / products / sky - fw -
Box seems to run Linux:
"All Sky Digital set top boxes (including Sky+
and Sky+ HD) automatically update their firmware
from certain satellite streams. This utility can
download these firmware images using a DVB-S TV
card. It also supports the extraction of the
linux kernel and root file system from images for
the following Sky+ HD boxes: ... Amstrad DRX780
www . ph - mb . com / products / expvr / device -
Darwin and OpenTV - ExPVR Supported Devices
code . google . com / archive / p / sky -
firmware - downloader /
"Downloads firmware images for Sky Digital
(including Sky+ and Sky+ HD) boxes from the
satellite stream using a DVB-S TV Card. Also
supports the extraction of the file system from
some Sky+ HD images."
- en .
wikipedia . org / wiki / Sky%2B_HD
"On 1 October 2010, Sky began the process of
downloading open-source software to Sky+ HD
- www1
. sky . com / opensourcesoftware / SkyHD
www1 . sky . com / opensourcesoftware / SkyHD /
SKYHD_downloads . html
www1 . sky . com / opensourcesoftware / SkyHD /
SKYHD_ossl . html
Open Source Licenses XFree86, FreeBSD, GNU,
Apache etc.
(Used with DRX780 )
3 remotes,
1 is different to other 2.
(Used with DRX780 )
" Magic Eye "
(remote detector fits on aerial cable)
(Used with DRX780 )
"Thomson WP J530U
Extension Module - Wireless Phone Socket System"
BABT Approval No 610211 PhonexBroadband (plugs in to
mains) One needs [at least] 2 units, to route a phone
connection over main power building wiring.
Record Deck: Technics Direct Drive Automatic SL-D3
33 & 45
Pitch adjust: 50 & 60Hz. With Neon
Memo Repeat: 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,R
Size: 7",10",12"=17,25,30
Label on deck: Stylus Replacement: DIAMOND EPS
Stylus: Ortofon VMS 20E Mk II (Diamond got pulled off.)
Electric Typewriter = Electrische Schreibmaschine
Manufacturer=Hersteller: Olympia
Model: Some word I cant remember + Compact
Daisy wheel
+ Corrector ribbon. = Korrektur rad.
German keyboard = Deutsche Tastatur = QWERTZ not/nicht
With power cable. = Mit Netz Kabel
No manual
(but why would you want one ?) = Kein handbuch (aber
warum wuerde solche gebraucht ?)
Condition: Perfect working order (owner just prefers to
use a PC).
TV Satellite Decoder/Decrypter
Obsolete, ie it works but they stopped broadcasting.
Designed & Built by Jim Lucas.
Good for a tech. wanting box & power supply for
Digital TV tuner
Digital TV tuner
Manufacturer: Pioneer (Made in UK)
Model: DBR-TF100GB
Manufactured: November 2003
In perfect working order, swapped out as new TV had a
digital tuner.
With remote controller.
Chassis: Metal shiny front & aluminium.
From: UK/JES, What's know in UK as a"Freeview Unit".
jl@ said 2011.01 this (if one adds an aerial) should
pick up over 20 channels in Munich (but not CNN).
Digital TV Tuner ?
Philips Digital TV
Prod. No. QM010247110950
From: Can't remember With Remote Controller
Remote Controller Philips VCR
AV5600 for Philips video recorder VR6464.
No video recorder, that died,
Air Ionisers (2)
2 x `Mountain Breeze' Particularly useful against
allergies. Black centimetre size: 18 Wide x 12 Deep x 4
I might also have an air ioniser for a unit that plugs
in to car power socket.
Air Ionisers - Vertical
- 1 Unit
1 x Ioniser, square base, vertical tower height of a beer
glass Black . Complete with mini power block & foam
sleeve (on left in large picture)
Walkie-Talkie / CB Set. 2 Units.
Manufacturer: Harvard. Model: 410T 40 Channel. Has 12 V
external charge socket. Rotary Controls: Volume, Squelch,
Channel. Buttons: Emergency channel & Display
Illuminate (channel). Long extendible aerials. Side thumb
grip to transmit, & 2nd to send tone ? LEDs: RX:
Green. Call: Red. Works with both NiCad Rechargeable
Batteries or Normal Disposable Zinc Carbon.
USB to USB data cable
- 1 Unit.
Digitus USB 2.0 Data Link & Networking Cable
Furniture & other stuff de-listed, will re-appear after
sorting what's needed.

Click for larger
- The pictures on this page are of the older more
antique one, some pictures of the more modern one in the
gallery, both work, but I guess
one would like nicer than other on a house, Restaurant,
or [hunting?]
museum wall.
- There's also a more modern powerful one, also
- Neither have wheels on each end of bow (do they call
with wheels `reflex' ?).
- Set of 15 bolts.
- Would not sell to anyone dodgy or irresponsible.
- Apparently in Germany one does not need permission to
own cross-bows, but one needs permission where to load
them, (apparently it's once they contain stored energy
that they need to be used on licensed premises such as a
shooting/ target range).
- Might be customisable as an anti drone device ? : Fix
3 bike spokes at 120 degrees radial from each other at
the front end of bolt in 3 * V shapes pointing forward.
Would still be dangerous if any innocent others nearby,
still illegal to use some places, (might or not be a
useful idea for law enforcement personnel) - How else to
down a drone, unless by trained falcon or eagle type bird
? ... or another killer drone above that drops or fishes
with a net ?.

Click for larger
Ski Trousers
- A tight fast racing set, for max. speed, don't flap
in the wind. With built in crash pads for the knees &
side of thigh to hip. They're too tight on waist for me.
Blue & Black.
- Picture shows them creased. That's just 'cos I dumped
a load of wind surfing gear on top. Creases won't show if
worn, or stored flat under a weight :-)

Click for larger 
Click for larger
Wet Suit
- For maybe 5' 9" tall & slimmer than I now am.
(No you can't have my surf board, I still want that :-)

Click for larger
Wind Surf Shoes
Nominally size 44 / 9.5 but a fraction too small for me
so I bought another pair. Got nicked on outside of one
side so I stuck leather on to protect it.

Click for larger
Wind surf `trapeze'
- ie a simple hook with back support, not what the
Germans call a `Sitz Trapeze'. Good for people who've
recently learnt, want to relieve the strain on their
arms, but who are not yet good enough to sacrifice the
extra control that you lose using a Sitz-Trapeze.
I'm not interested in arranging packing & postage from Munich or Aachen, Germany, for
random web browser buyers, unless sufficient money is being
offered to be worth my time
Exception may be made for technical projects I'm
involved with though.
I am NOT in the USA!
So many people from the USA have mailed me, making false
assumption(s) that I was in USA, I've had to add this
section, to remind them Web is Global , & an English
language page does Not imply USA Post, Currency & Banking etc.
- Cheap heavy bulky things may not be worth packing
& postage for trans
continental shipment from Europe.
- It's not cheap domestic US Post. It's International from Europe
- Mail will cost you more than you expect, likely a lot
more! (How wide is the Atlantic Ocean ? ;-)
- Foreign USA dollars in small amounts relative to high
minimum international bank charges makes little
- I may Not accept low value US bank dollar checks
(`cheques' in English!) or bank transfers
- Some are worse than useless: - international bank
charges can exceed the value ! (Ask your bank how much it
will cost you to pay both your bank charges & my
recipient bank charges - you may be surprised !).
- You may have to pay USA customs/ national import tax
from Europe .
- I might have to waste time to fill a customs
declaration form for you. & to mail back & forth
to you, what you want me to declare etc, for numeric
value & description re tax you will pay etc, &
It's your problem to decide that not mine, as it's your
country you want to import into, & I don't know your
import tax system/ rates/ allowances. (& not
interested in paperwork, unless you are paying serious
No offence intended to the subset of globally aware
Americans, but I needed to to stop a stream of USA based
people emailing me with queries based on false USA
Free-loaders Warning.
if you'r some anonymous email address I've never met,
wasting my time asking what's free: I will ignore you &
not answer you.
I started this list of my & friends unused spare equipment, out of an
ecological feel that spare equipment should be kept in use,
not left to grow obsolete & be dumped, but numerous
time wasters burdened me with stupid annoying mail like
"What stuff are you giving away free ?" , So rather
than delete the page, I chose the less drastic step of
adding this deterrent
That aside I will attempt to give quick brief replies to
serious questions, so if I don't reply, assume your mail got
silently discarded by my spam filter, & I never even saw
your query, so please email me from a
different address on a different provider.
My Time Is Expensive - It may not be cost effective for me
to sell to you.
- Listing equipment here just means I _could_ dispose of it
_if_ it's cost effective for me to consume time doing so
- Some limited subset of the equipment might be given away
to project friends , much preferably
locally to avoid the hassle - NO I won't tell you what's
free, I don't want random net browsing scroungers wasting my
time, (technical project associates are viable though).
- I am a freelance computer consultant, with a heavy
permanent backlog of things to do, & unless I'm going to
receive a decent amount of money selling something, it's not
cost effective for me to waste time arranging international
money transfers & packing/ postage
Often that means the proposed recipient of equipment should
be geographically local to
Munich or Aachen, Germany, Europe
so they can
collect by hand, and/or pay cash
- Please do not waste my time asking about stuff that's not
worth my time to pack, postage , &
arrange international money transfer for.
- In some cases it will be cheaper for you to buy more
locally, from someone in your own city, in your own country,
on your own continent.
If you want to know what post costs, look here:
- Nearly all the equipment is in Munich or Aachen, Germany
Europe .
- I am based in Munich & Aachen, Germany Europe , using the particularly
expensive German postal service, (Noticeably more expensive
than British & Dutch over the years). International
postage & bank charges are more expensive than national
postal services. It may be cheaper for you to buy a more
expensive equivalent item from within your own country at a
cheaper postage rate.
- Before you email me asking what
the postage would cost you from Germany to your location on
planet Earth, realise I'm usually too busy to waste time
finding out.
(It's dead easy for random strangers to browse through this
web page, from some random place on earth, & pose that
seemingly innocuous question, but much more wastefully time
consuming, for me to assess all items belonging to an
equipment, & figure packing, sizes, weights, & then
find out the multiple weird ways Deutsche Post has to calculate their charges., then
find you don't want it anyway)
- Links for you to research how
much postage will cost.
- Do not post me anything without prior agreement. I accept
no responsibility to receive or collect anything.
- If posting to me, append my phone number (in
brackets) after my name in my postal
address, so it won't get stuck in customs, without me knowing it's arrived !)
- Guess your size & weights, & ask your own post
office what they would charge you to ship from your position
on planet earth to Germany ... & then add some, perhaps
quite a bit, because Germany is expensive for postage, &
you'll probably under estimate).
- If you still think it's worth the purchase cost +
postage, then email me, it might
then be worth me investigating, but don't ask me to waste
time asking at the post office until you've agreed a purchase
price with me, excluding postage.
- Foreign (IE including USA $) cheques are useless for
transferring small amount of cash internationally.
- Ask your bank how you can pay a German bank in Euros, or
a British Bank in Sterling & what the bank charges would
be for you to pay Both Sender's bank charges &
Recipient's bank charges, before you bother negotiate a
price. The bank charge added may make any price
- You must pay international bank charges for both
ends/countries unless the price is above 100 Euros or Pounds
- You must pay in Euros or British Pounds Sterling, find
out for yourself what the current exchange
rate is to your own national currency.
- Money (whether for equipment, packing, or postage) must be received by me before I send
the equipment.
- I accept without handling charge: Cash { UK Sterling,
Euros, American Dollars} and Cheques on British or German
- A lot of things I don't know a price for, it's often old
or unusual stuff, & I don't care, & markets &
prices change, & I've got better things to do than waste
time updating prices on this page.
- Best make me an offer, I'm always busy, & I'll likely
not get round to answering your mail if you make it hard for
me by asking me to decide a price. I'm simply too busy, &
not motivated, unless it's an expensive item worth time to
think about.
- Discount: Price is related to hassle, eg it's no effort
if you happen to be in Munich or Aachen at some event I will attend eg at
the Beer gardeners
Stammtisch & carry there & you pay cash. Whereas
if its bulky/ tricky to pack & time consuming to evaluate
postage for & I have to take time
to go to the Post office ... I'll also
offer a cheaper price if you want several things bundled in
one box.
Free Stuff
Anything you hope I might possibly give away
- I did NOT put this page on the web so people with search
engines half a world away can find it, & email me asking for
free stuff. I put it here so that local friends & global
technical associates who I already know, can see what I'm not
using, & arrange transfer. I don't have time for begging
email nor time to arrange Post &
packing etc, let alone to consider if people I've never met
should be given something free ! Certain tech projects are
looked on with a kindly eye though ...
- Most more expensive stuff is Not available free ! Mostly
free terms only apply to local friends
, club associates, &
my internet technical associates, for any others where the
hassle of international despatch applies, I prefer to sell it
& make some money, if I must lose time shipping it
- Either the above section on" Post
& Packing" applies, Or Check with your Post office Before emailing me, whether
they will forward to you, any package I send with no Postage stamps on, Marked "Recipient To Pay
Postage", with no return address on, & no customs
declaration on.
- Don't ask me to list all equipment I'm prepared to give
away free, I used to refuse such time wasting requests, until
I changed to ignoring them & added this warning.
- Tell me what you want & why, & who you are &
& how you will pay postage in
advance. Why should I give it to you free ? Make your case if
you are a worthy cause, that I should consume my time
arranging packing & postage!
- I've both given stuff away free, & sold stuff.
- If friends run similar pages I'll happily cross
- If you have seriously weird & old computer stuff to
offload, Hans & others at VCFE like unusual stuff, the more
unusual the better; though boring Wintel (Microsoft Intel
etc) PCs they're not interested in.
