Cable Water Ski Lake - Aschheim & Others
Still listed here cos maybe they might do similar in
impark Sommerfestival vom 30.7.-23.8.2015 Wakeboarding
für alle: Auf dem Olympiasee ist eine Wasserski-Anlage,
die während des gesamten Festivals täglich von 11
bis 19 Uhr für die Besucher unter professioneller
Anleitung nutzbar ist, für 20 Euro pro Person.
Compare the size of 2 lakes at same scale:
Ascheim Water Ski
In a converted gravel quarry at North of Munich, Bavaria,
All 4 pics taken by a mobile phone Fri 17 Aug 2012. - Click
for larger. - Even larger & higher quality are off
The Cable (& adjacent beach bar) Operator: Wasser- ski-
park Aschheim, Am Sportpark 30, 85609 Ascheim
2nd bigger Beach Bar Strand bar Roberto Beach am Aschheimer
sueddeutsche .de on Roberto Beach:
20. Juli 2010 &
6. Mai 2016,
The cable loop has 5 wheels & can take 9 water skiers.
The lake is a North-West - South-East oblong.
Some jumps on the main circuit looking North East, a few
people used some, most used none).

A beginner making a return trip on the small beginners run.
Looking North East

Everyone who falls off & walks back barefoot along the
beach winces at the round stones underfoot.
- They could put a narrow sand path there. A small
investment on price paid.
- Knee boards, people coould wear old trainers/ tennis
shoes ?
- Wake boards, I guess any surf board shoe would do.
- Water skis might be hardest to solve. Maybe [older?] (ie
plain slim plastic/rubber) style wind surf shoes might fit in
water ski mounts (but the newer / more expensive sort with
black neoprene up leg, & high friction coeffecient light
blue rubber soles that run above heel & toe would not
work I guess). Not many used water skis on beginners run
though. Mostly it was wake boards, & next was knee board
There's a big beach bar (Roberto Beach) on the North
East corner. Where all the shiney metal concrete building is.
Lots of beach (ie sand) volley- ball courts there.

The power wheel, that pulls the cable round, also with a
small up & down loop to load tow ropes for water
This pic was taken by puting a mobile phone camera behind
Looking North North East
There's various other things nearby, a high rope / cable
garden, tennis courts, stock ice or whatever, ice hockey in
winter or something similar ([Aschheim?] "Jets").
Location Here
Index of Map
Cable system manufacturer: "Rixen Cableways" is what's written
on a ramp
Easier to start with a kneeboard Says Sheffield as lower
centre of gravity. (But they don't mention any shock/ accident
strain is then direct on spine, not through nice big multi
jointed muscle sprung shock absorbers evolution kindly
developed ... called "Legs" ;-)
Another lake on Isar, NW, downstream of Munich 92 Km (on
roads), beyond Landshut, near Dingolfing
www. bayerisches - golf - und - thermenland . de / regionen /
landkreis - landshut / attraktionen / wake - lake - in - woerth
- a . d .- isar . html
Tel: 08702/918313, Fax: 08702/918312 Wakelake, Landshuter
Str.96, 84109 Wörth an der Isar
Autobahn A92 München-Deggendorf Exit 666 Wörth, Dir.
Snow Ski